Custom job interview training system

Custom job interview training system

MeYouInterview is a job interview training web application which focuses on improving interview skills of the users and preparing them to attend job interviews with confidence. The application is a subscription-based platform for the job seekers to conduct mock interviews and evaluate their progress.

The main features of the application are:

  • The Armory – Where the users can browse through numerous mock questions in preparation for interviews.

  • The Arena – This is the main section where the interview process takes place. User can schedule, choose questionnaire, attend interviews.

  • User forum – A forum to discuss job interview related topics and ask questions regarding job interviews

  • User subscription – The service is offered on a monthly subscription and there is a fixed subscription fee. The user has the option to renew subscription using credit/debit card or Paypal.

The interview will be conducted at the scheduled time based on the questions the user has opted for. We initially implemented the interviews using the WebRTC service provided by Tokbox.

Later, we replaced Tokbox with Skype as it is more compatible to MeYouInterview user subscription plans. The users will also have an option to rate each other based on the attended interview which will be used to measure the progress of the user.

The application also supports multiple time zones so that the users all around the world can schedule and conduct interviews irrespective of their time zone difference.

Technical Information

The application is developed using the popular PHP framework, Laravel which helped us reduce the development time and deliver a fast and secure application. We used Twitter Bootstrap as the foundation UI framework.

The application has a responsive design to provide optimal performance for iPads, iPhones, Android tablets and Android smartphones users.

The user forum section is implemented using bbpress for WordPress. The main challenges faced were scheduling & fixing interview algorithm, multiple time zone management, Laravel to WordPress user authentication which our developers were able to solve with their good efforts.

Custom job interview training system
Taking the decision to have our website built by programmers based in India did have some resistance, particularly the distance and lack of face to face interaction. The English was at native speaker level and the communication was uncomplicated and precise. Having many years of engineering experience I pride myself on writing good engineering documents, but it is always a delight when they are well read and understood, as it was with the LiteBreeze team. Also, project engagement and interest was very encouraging - the support at and after the site launch was great. We recommend using Litebreeze as a cost-effective development partner! - Krister Magnusson (Zürich, Switzerland)
Team of developers who worked on this project: Krishna Raj, Nishad V, Dixon, Ghanashyam, Sajan