Custom online food ordering and delivery system for bakery

Custom online food ordering and delivery system for bakery

Bagerikassen is a Swedish bakery that provides its customers with the facility to order and pay weekly deliveries of their wide range of bread items online. They also have a wide array of products and confectioneries. Bagerikassen was built using Joomla CMS. The earlier system implemented klarna for payment operations which was replaced by netaxept. Litebreeze provided an upgrade to their existing system as well as added additional components to facilitate a much refined system.

Upgrades provided by Litebreeze for Bagerikassen are

  • A streamlined, highly efficient and user friendly order checkout process form.
  • Users have options to add complementary products to the shopping cart.
  • Users have option to use discount coupons in the order form.
  • Users have option to pause and restart order subscription without cancelling.
  • Weekly automatic payments for subscriptions until they are cancelled.
  • Facility to create and manage discount codes in the joomla backend for the administrator.
  • Facility to create and manage complementary products and their details for the administrator through Joomla backend.
  • New payment gateway integration replacing klarna with Netaxept.
  • Responsive design changes for making the site mobile friendly.

The project is in its second and final stage. We are currently integrating the nets payment gateway(Netaxept) for recurring payments.

Custom online food ordering and delivery system for bakery
LiteBreeze has in a very effective and service-oriented way updated our existing website to make it more efficient and time saving in terms of organizing customers, orders etc. The communication with LiteBreeze throughout this project has been excellent. We can gladly recommend LiteBreeze! - Leo (Stockholm, Sweden)
Team of developers who worked on this project: Sandeep, Ghanashyam, Sabeer, Amal, Jebin