Custom partner management system for PR and marketing agency

Custom partner management system for PR and marketing agency

Napier is a B2B technology PR and marketing agency. They help clients in markets such as Electronics and Industrial Technology promote their products and services. Clients rely on Napier to reach important media across Europe, so a key part of Napier’s service is their database of influential journalists and publications.

With two offices, Napier wanted a more effective way of sharing the knowledge about these publications and asked LiteBreeze to develop a custom web application that allowed them to manage this information and ensure that their clients’ news was sent to the right journalists and editors.

The new system included several features that were unavailable in any off-the-shelf system or service. The capabilities of the new system included:

Publication Data

Handling information regarding magazines and online publications was made simple and interactive. Pin-pointing a magazine is easy with the search/sort and list feature. Additionally, a Magazine overview page helped in providing the information in a format that could be presented to clients.

Clients’ Distribution List Management

Napier’s clients needed to be able to send to specific groups of journalists, as well as their channel sales partners. These lists are segmented by country, language and by the type of product being promoted, resulting in a large number of lists.

Managing this information is made easy with the application.

Distributing Clients’ Press Releases

The new system made it easy to distribute press releases to the right journalists. The system automatically generates an email, and uses auto-fill features to minimize the time required to send out press releases while reducing any chance of errors.


Napier needs to provide comprehensive data to clients about where their press releases are sent, as well as background information about publications and journalists. Sending Press Release information and Generating reports based on Magazines and journalists is just a button click away.

The application allows users to get up-to-date information at one location. It provides more features than any commercially-available product and allows information to be shared between offices and to be accessed from any device with a web browser.

The application has allowed Napier to focus on the value-added services it provides by reducing the time needed to distribute clients’ press releases and create reports.

The Application uses PHP’s latest framework CodeIgniter 3 with Bootstrap framework in the front-end. MySQL is employed for persistent storage in the back-end.

Custom partner management system for PR and marketing agency

LiteBreeze did an outstanding job! They developed a custom web application to manage our database of journalists and publications. This application focuses on our value-added services. We look forward to working with LiteBreeze in the future.

- Mike Maynard (London, United Kingdom)
Team of developers who worked on this project: Sushama, Sibu, Sandeep, Vijay, Nishad V