Portuguese Social Networking Website

Portuguese Social Networking Website

Client’s requirement of a custom social networking website

Please note that this project was developed in 2007 and the project is no longer active.

The client is a Portuguese company aiming to develop a social networking website where its members can discuss concerts, movies, literature and other cultural events. Through user-friendly interfaces, a user-contributing social concept and focus on a local niche market the client has built up a user base quickly.

LiteBreeze India was contacted for this community web development project in 2007 and the website has enjoyed much attention ever since. To tap revenue a sophisticated advertisement management system has been developed.

Solution: A social network that generates buzz

The custom social network software was developed using PHP and MySQL technology. LiteBreeze India puts emphasis on user-friendly user interfaces as the purpose of the community is to draw a large number of frequent visitors.

The end users would be using the same forms and lists repeatedly and being able to do lots with as few clicks as possible would enable the community’s success.

The solution contains common web 2.0 features such as tag clouds; integration with other social websites including Facebook, Flickr, Digg, MySpace and Del.icio.us; and online profiles with messaging features.

The end-users of the social network must be able to generate buzz easily to spur further growth of the community.

The PHP and MySQL foundation is suitable for a custom social network like this as the world of social network development evolves quickly and the website requires frequent add-ons and updates.

Team of developers who worked on this project: Sushama, Akshay, Ajil, Sibu, Ghanashyam