Interactive Tailored Shirts E-commerce Solution

Interactive Tailored Shirts E-commerce Solution

The client’s requirements

Please note that this project was developed in 2008-2009 and the project is no longer active.

The client sells tailor-made shirts and wanted to enable their customers to order shirts online through a simple and interactive guide. The client wished to improve efficiency in businesses processes including order, shipping and partner management (both partner tailors and resellers).

The application features a well-crafted ‘design your shirt’ guide where customers can design their shirts and specify their body measurements to arrive at a perfectly tailored shirt.

The objective of the E-commerce application

The main objective was to let customers place orders online. Traditionally the client had only accepted orders offline and wanted to be able to tap the online market. Launching an e-commerce website would also allow the client’s partners to easily refer new customers through an affiliate program module.

LiteBreeze India put focus on the design-your-shirt guide as it is the cornerstone of this custom e-commerce software. The interactive design-your-shirt guide needed to be extremely user-friendly and well-designed to deliver value to the end user and the client.

Another important aspect was to let the client and its partners’ process orders without a hassle and as quickly as possible through a user-friendly admin control panel interface. This would save the client time and money and let the company handle larger volumes with less staff.

Customized solution using PHP and MySQL

The e-commerce application has been developed by PHP programmers at LiteBreeze India using PHP, AJAX and MySQL technologies.

The features are divided into four modules:

Administrator Panel

  • manage customers
  • manage resellers
  • manage tailors
  • place orders on behalf of customers
  • view sales report

Tailors Panel

  • download measurements of shirt
  • update the processed orders

Resellers Panel

  • order tailored shirts for customers and obtain profits
  • place orders for customized shirts and be up to date in fashion

Customers Panel

  • design and order tailored shirts online
  • easy payment using credit cards

Benefits of the customized E-commerce solution

The application allows the customer to design the shirts in a user-friendly and interactive way and for tailors to grab and process the order immediately, thereby fully automating the order process for the client.

This puts the client’s business on autopilot and lets the client focus on other vital business functions such as marketing.

From the tailor’s end it became trouble-free to fetch order data as well as managing the delivered orders.

For the client, sales could be increased by recruiting retailers as resellers. The client could also benefit from the consolidated data management that the business application module supported.

He could, for example, print reports of inactive customers to target a mailing or telemarketing campaign. This allows the client to boost sales and increase profitability.

During the past one year LiteBreeze has worked with me on a highly specialized shirt designing and e-commerce web solution. They have proven their skills in AJAX as well as PHP. I would definitely recommend them for customized web application development in PHP / MySQL.

- Sebastian Waldenstrom
Team of developers who worked on this project: Preeth, Sreekesh, Rahul K, Sandeep, Praveen R