

10.8 years experience


Abhinivesh is a coder you’ll love to develop your solutions with. He has a knack for finding the simplest and best working solution for any problem.

Abhinivesh found his love for coding in his engineering days and this love has just grown manifolds over the years. He is always excited to not only learn new languages but perfect his knowledge over the basics as well. 

An avid traveler and movie buff, he is a favorite among clients as well as teammates. Abhinivesh is definitely a great addition to your team for developing your dream project.

Technical Skills

Design tools
API design
Programming languages
Python, PHP, Golang, Javascript
Django, Angular, Vue.js, Express.js
JS Libraries
jQuery, Angular, Vue.js, Express.js
Front-end frameworks
Angular, Vue.js
Web Services
Google, Stripe, Facebook
Payment gateways
PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay
PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB
Cloud hosting
Front-end technologies
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JQuery
Version control
Version control tools
GitHub, Bitbucket
Desktop operating systems
Ubuntu, Windows, Manjaro, MacOS
Apache, Nginx

Work experience

  • 1.1 years

    LiteBreeze, Kochi

    Abhinivesh is our talented full-stack developer who is responsible for managing, communicating and delivering client requirements.

  • 0.8 years

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    Abhi worked as a Team lead. He led the complete development process of a price comparison app for various exchange rates. He also managed the web, mobile and api team and client requirement communication.

  • 1.0 years

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    He worked as a Team lead. He led a team on the development of projects like a Corporate data filing platform for LLC formation and an Invoice Organizer for a Filing company.

  • 1.5 years

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    Abhi joined as a Senior Software Engineer. He made huge contributions in the development of a web app which is a Receipt manager and Warranty tracker built in Go.

  • 3.4 years

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    He has worked on projects such as Bike share application and Mutual fund application with data analytics.

  • 2.0 years

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    During his tenure here, he worked on projects for clients such as MusicLegato, Jivapranava, AssetHomes, GST Centre etc.

  • 1 years

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    Abhinivesh started his professional career as a trainee and honed his skills in web development. He learned the practical use of programs such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.


  • Bachelor's of Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication) from Kollam, Kerala, 2010

Top 1% talent

Proven high performers in the software industry.

Proven high performers in the software industry.

Developers with great logic skills.

Developers with great logic skills.

Professionals with great attitude and communication skills.

Professionals with great attitude and communication skills.

IT experts who will understand your business.

IT experts who will understand your business.

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