Portfolio and case studies

Portalo is a platform designed to help Norwegian organizations efficiently manage investments and grants. Primary clientele include savings banks and the foundations backing them, and organizations that provide grants to sport and cultural activities. The platform streamlines the grant application process, ensures transparent evaluations, and provides tools for managing investments with real-time insights and customizable reporting.

Smart Grant and Investment Management System

Eirik Rivedal

We came to LiteBreeze with a clear need but a complex challenge. They focused on building exactly what we needed without overcomplicating things. Portalo is now more intuitive and efficient.


ActaPublica.se is a leading legal research database company in Sweden, with more than 100 million legal documents. The database, along with monitoring services, allows for extensive investigations and background checks. The application core is built on the Laravel framework. Background processes based on Python/PHP are used to identify documents and notify users via emails and API.

Custom search engine for legal research database

Martin Fredriksson

We trust LiteBreeze with all our development work in Acta Publica. They developed the archive service for Acta Publica which all Swedish media firms rely on daily. We recommend LiteBreeze for their AWS expertise.

Only a small number of projects are published here. You can also view our archived portfolio here